TWENTY-NINE YEARS AGO, we began to develop the digital art services featured on this site. Each service is tried and true thanks to our many clients from around the globe.

T-shirt art design for advertising and story telling

T-shirts are often brazenly emblazoned with the logos of well-known clothiers. You’re probably wearing one now. But they are so much more than this.

A t-shirt may express a political stance or a philosophical idea. Perhaps a favorite quote. They could also bear the faces of celebrities.

Our t-shirt art design services provide all these nuances of t-shirt design and more, with particular attention to the artistic elements. We like creative t-shirt art that expresses an individual point of view, often humorously.

We accomplish t-shirt humor with funny cartoon characters and caricatures, involved in simple and direct exploits that impart mood instantly. We use the same philosophy for t-shirt art as we do for a gag cartoon, don’t delay the punch line.

business card design
A design for Rhinohouse Surf

Visit Pavillion Inn


Besides digital art, we also design Wordpress websites. Featured here are two websites we designed a long time ago and still maintain and update today. Rhinohouse features t-shirts and hoodies with our cartoon caricature drawings. Mike DeMeo, the owner of Rhinohouse, assisted in the design of these tees. Together we came up with some fun stuff! Pavillion Inn is located on the beautiful island of Anguilla on the Caribbean sea. Please visit both sites.

Visit Rhinohouse

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